
this is very sexy [Music] come on come on [Music] sticky [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we don’t like this is [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you yes [Applause] [Music] this is foreign president [Music] is [Music] foreign foreign during the shooting mentally I was kind of your cheerleader yeah she was my cheerleader you look so [Music] you haven’t seen the pictures yet no I really want to see them I already saw it I can’t wait to show you yes yes please show us but I’m also a little bit nervous because there are quite a lot of sexy pictures I will try to not look at it you can look at it foreign very soft I think you’re wearing the same lipstick as right now yeah it looks so beautiful with a white gown very elegant now I’m really curious to see the rest oh do you remember this yes this was in was it Yokohama yeah yes the flower garden wow you’re like you are one of the flowers the most beautiful flower you’re making me Shy you look so beautiful I love the color of the dress with the flowers and the bow in your hair is also very adorable wow it’s a lighting it’s really beautiful the photographer did a really good job also yeah this one gives the one where you’re sort of with your eyes closed on a bench it kind of reminds me of Alice in Wonderland like sleepy girl aesthetic Mary looked like a princess walking through their Royal Garden it’s so cute I’m so proud you’re such a good model yeah Yokohama was really impressive I think it was the biggest Chinatown I ever saw in my life what are you eating is that pancake no that’s like a bow like a baba oh there there is meat in there yeah what’s flavor is that is it just as sweet as you oh too cute I like this yeah it’s a very it has a lot of movement yeah yeah it’s kind of a fashion picture like it could be in a magazine professional ah there’s a ferris wheel yeah oh so beautiful it’s like the ferris wheel is a crown around you oh nice ah this was inside the hotel so cute you look very small oh you look really good but also a bit different than your normal poses but I like it it’s different it’s funny that you responded that picture first because the left one is like super sexy probably the sexiest picture because I kind of look naked yeah I’m really curious what other people will think of it I’m wearing a shirt though not naked yeah whoa this is very sexy like those cute sexy just serious sexy I think you were going to seduce someone a review or you look very mature mature and seductive yeah I really like the red suit red is good color on you I am I don’t I don’t think I’ve worn red okay no my previous photo books but it reminds me of Jessica Rabbit S [Music] I like this one the one where you kind of look over your shoulder it has a it’s like there’s a story behind it it’s like I’m having this moment with you in the picture like maybe maybe I just ask you my like your number ask your number at the hotel it’s like you’re sleeping this is how you sleep every day right yeah I can verify this is how Ella looks like this week with full makeup yeah this is a whole kind of a sexy pose I’m smiling though yeah it’s cute oh it’s beautiful you could hang this a little like above your bed yeah it’s kind of art artsy I kind of wanted Francis and hanging yeah yeah your shoes if you ever get married you can give it to your husband yeah oh I like that too yeah this is again the white dress that you wear on the cover I really like it white is such a good color for you because it just makes you look even more bright thank you you’re wearing well pink whites yeah these are very beautiful I like this one this really shows your true personality as my stupid playful side yes you read what it says um [Music] [Laughter] very young here yeah um I wish I was there to experience it with you but I think you saw these pictures properly mostly yeah I saw these you can you can scroll past them animals screwed uh I don’t think I ever saw this outfit before it’s kind of American style yeah the second part is kind of like American delicious style yeah yeah yeah you did really good that’s immediately what I think of those shoes are really cool yeah whoa I like them too yeah really good Concepts why are you here on this day no no I never saw any of this who is she look at that booty cute you look so much younger this is a nice one I like how the makeup is very light makes you look very elegant is this a wedding dress it looks like a wedding dress is this what you’re going to look like when you get married oh my God I love it yeah it was it was really tight like when they first tried to put it on me they were like no it’s not gonna fit and I was like yes it’s going to fit I will make it happen I was just like three two one and they zipped it up with three people yeah oh the one with the bubbles was really well timed you’re like like Cinderella is it the one that like has this bubble and she’s singing and it’s landing on her finger I think it’s also just white it’s just a color that always works for you see Cinderella Ella Cinderella oh cute yeah with all the straps and those cute people people not cute you remind me of Marilyn Monroe here because you’re gonna like seductively like that’s a good compliment though I love Maryland yeah oh it’s just cute you look like from an anime maybe this is like Audrey Hepburn we’re just doing Merlin and Audrey yeah oh very very open-minded risky spicy spicy spicy it’s like China your legs are very long and elegant are you on the toilet here it kind of looks like this but no see you on the toilet before in the bathtub take a bath just having a morning but it was fun though the shooting was fun yeah I like the makeup here you look very happy that’s it oh no what was that I want to have more I want to add so much more yes when is the next one no this was this was it was a treat yeah yeah I’m glad you like it yeah I was nervous I am very proud of you thank you I could also do it because the bear sport well thank you well you’re working really hard I can do my best to support you so we have a testimonial from my sister yes go get the photo book you should see it it’s really really good thank you I didn’t pay you right no no no I have my um okay that’s okay thank you for listening to my thoughts maybe we can say something together like okay one two three


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🔽エラ・フレイヤ 4rdデジタル写真集 恋恋恋 Kindle版
🔽エラ・フレイヤ 3rdデジタル写真集 るんるんるん Kindle版
🔽エラ・フレイヤ 2ndデジタル写真集 凛凛凛 Kindle版
🔽エラ・フレイヤ 1stデジタル写真集 蘭蘭蘭 Kindle版




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Tiktok: @erizafreya

#エラフレイヤ #Ella Freya


  1. 新しいデジタル写真集「きゅんきゅんきゅん」の購入URLはこちら:

    ソニー・リーダーストアさんでは私の直筆サインつきのチェキをつけた特別版が販売されます。また、DMMブックスさんでは、購入者のかたにリーダーストアさんとは違う衣装を着たチェキを抽選でプレゼントします ^_^ ぜひチェックしてみてね~

    Sony Reader Store
    DMM Books


  3. とても健康的見えます。

  4. 最近、アシュレーという

  5. エラさんの魅力は容姿だけではなく日本愛に溢れたところですね。最初の頃から拝見させて頂いておりました。地に足をつけて行かれる様に祈っております。

  6. 妹さん、そっくり!双子のようですね!
    声も似てるから入れ替わったらわからないかも( ;∀;)エラちゃんはどっちだ?

  7. 妹も痩せると姉と同等のビジュアルになりそう。

  8. 美しい姿を写真集として記録に残してくださりありがとうございます😍

  9. メイクの違いもあるのでしょうか?エラさんは日本で見る感じで、妹さんは海外で見る感じです😊