
Ohallo everyone!! It’s Ella-nyan! Today I am going on a one day trip to Atami. Because the day I took this video was cat day, I decided to wear cat ears. Do you think this is embarrassing? The weather was really nice, so it was a great day for a road trip. I’m at the beach! Meow This is Yugawara! It’s beautiful! Japanese mountains and sea, they’re the best! Now, let’s go to Atami! I could see the festival from my car. Some people were wearing yukata (light cotton kimono) and looked like they were having a lot of fun. I wanted to attend the festival as soon as possible. The reason I decided to go to Atami, is because I heard there is a big fireworks show. Before the show, I decided to go to a Spa called Fuua. It was my first time to go to this kind of spa, and I felt a little uncomfortable to swim naked with many people, and I wasn’t sure about the etiquette, but in the end I felt relaxed and it was fun. I wanna go again for sure Oh, it’s sour It’s so sour! It was very comfortable It was very comfortable Here is Atami. Now, I will go to the beach in Atami And watch the fireworks there I can hear some sound already What could that be? 3 2 1 Amazing! Awesome!! Amazing! That was amazing! I almost cried a bit That was amazing! Japanese fireworks are really Really amazing!! I was moved The fireworks display was really, really many times more amazing than I could have imagined. I have seen fireworks at Sumida River in Tokyo, but the view was blocked by buildings and it was very crowded. This time I had the best view. I am the type of person who is always moved when I see fireworks. I was very impressed again this time. Well, I thought that Japanese fireworks displays are really wonderful. I spotted a ferry bound for Izu Oshima! It’s really nostalgic! Please also watch the video of Izu Oshima. Now I’m going to buy a drink from a food stall. Otoko Ume sour. Thank you. It feels nice and cold! It’s a Otoko Ume Sour! Cheers! It’s good! This is the best! I’m going to have shaved ice next. So big!! I got a melon shaved ice! And it was the last stall open at this festival. The festival is ending. It’s over. Alright, let’s eat. How should I eat this? I don’t know how to eat. Should I use this as a spoon? What does that mean? There is no straw like this in the Netherlands. I guess this is it. Yummy!! It’s cold! It’s cold and delicious! It tastes like melon. It’s a melon flavored shaved ice. Yum! It’s the taste of summer. Well, Today, Amazing… Let’s move to another location. Everyone, today, I had a day of Japanese summer, It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed it! I am going back to Tokyo. Well, everyone, Thank you for watching. Good night. Bye bye! Finally, don’t forget to sign up for my fan club. I often post bonus content, including photos taken on the day of the shoot. I also post bonus videos that I don’t post on my youtube channel. I took a picture with fireworks on the day of the shoot, The URL is in the description box. so please check it out ^^^. Thank you all for watching! Bye bye!!

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#エラフレイヤ #Ella Freya


  1. 花火バックのエラにゃんも猫耳のエラにゃんもメガネっ子のエラにゃんも全部サイコーでした(笑)。しかし、どうにもアシュリーにも見えてしまう(笑)。

  2. 国によっては夜間は急に治安が悪くなったり、 屋外でアルコールを飲んだりしてると逮捕される、みたいな国もあるらしいですが、そう考えてみると日本の夏のお祭りとかって平和で和やかでいいですよねー

  3. 浴衣着ていけばもっと風情が出て映像的には良かったです。

  4. 0:51 ~ アングルが素晴らしい!


  5. 日本の花火とエラちゃん…素敵なコラボをありがとうございます!

  6. 日本の花火大会はただハデに打ち上げるだけではなく一応ストーリーやテーマみたいなのがあるようなんでそれが抑揚となって感動するんではないか……と思ってみたんだがどうだろうか?

  7. 火薬を皆が楽しむ花火に使うか、人の死につながる爆弾に使うか…

  8. エラちゃん、日本語、うまくなってないか❓どうせなら2.3年、このまま暮らしてら、ペラペラになるでー❣️

  9. 日本の花火のレベチは既に欧米でも有名ですよ毎年ドイツデュセルドルフで開催されてる日本デーの花火はこんなものじぁ有りません

  10. 活動報告、お疲れ様でした。花火大会を見た日が猫の日となると、2月22日ですよね?