日本が大好きなユーチューバーのトーク 【シルちゃんコラボ】

Yeah, okay. Yeah, I think it’s good. How’s that? That’s good, isn’t it? Oharō It’s Ella Nyan! It’s Shiru! Finally, we met! We meet at last! We finally collaborated! I’ve been a fan for a very long time! I’m a big fan of Ella, I was really looking forward to it today! Thank you so much! I am Shiru I come from a small country called Bulgaria! And now I have a YouTube channel in Japan! Nice to meet you! Everyone, please check out Shiru’s channel! Please, I would appreciate it. I watch it all the time too! Ah! Really! I watch it! That’s insane! I’m so happy. Earlier. We had a little lunch at a café and we talked but It was a little bit noisy There was a little bit of background music in there. We came to karaoke! We are here for karaoke box! I don’t come to karaoke very often, actually. I’m really bad at singing… I also don’t think I’m good at singing. I’ve been going to karaoke so much lately I go to karaoke so much I tried recording a ‘singing cover’. Did you record it? Yes, yes, yes. But before that I went to karaoke every day to practice Let me listen to it a little bit later OK I want to hear Ella sing live! But I’m so embarrassed. Recording my own singing voice for the first time I’m so embarrassed. I didn’t have much of a voice. But isn’t that the hardest part? When I’m singing at home, I can sing it easily. It’s pretty difficult to sing in front of the camera. I don’t know. I don’t think I can do it Yes. when I’m taking a shower, the best voice comes out, right? When I’m taking a shower, I mistakenly think that I can sing a little better myself! But I can’t. I thought so too. and decided to record a "singing cover". It’s embarrassing. Um, today We came to a karaoke box in Akihabara Shiru-san Shiru-chan Shiru-chan! She used ‘chan’ for me! I was deeply touched! Shiru, do you come to Akihabara often? No, but I used to come more often. I came to Japan last year, so maybe for the third time. I haven’t come here much. Back in the day, I used to buy cartoon figures and stuff like that. Now I don’t. Actually, I don’t have those. Do you have those things? I mean, figures like that. I don’t have any. As I get older, I stopped buying those kinds of things. Goods like that I kinda get it. I like cosplay. I always want something cute when I see it, I want it! I think… I’m the type of person who always reduces stuff I’m like that too! Same! Same for me! Really. You know, I move a lot. For example, when I come to Japan from my countries, I don’t buy many things Because it’s difficult to move with a lot of luggage Maybe both of us. We moved around a lot. I became minimalists. Unconscious. We talked a little bit earlier, a lot of things. I heard a lot about Ella-chan. I’m glad I really think Shiru-chan is super cute! Really. Amazing! Perfect girl!! That’s not true, I’m not like that. It’s the opposite, actually That’s my line! Ella, you are the cutest, Ella’s stories are also funny. I had the most fun. Thank you! Glad to hear it! Sometimes when I meet models in person, they look completely different from their photos, or their aura turns out to be completely different. But Shiru-chan has an incredibly gentle and kind aura, and it really healed my heart too. I say this very seriously, I’ve never been this shy. From the moment I met Ella, I was already speechless! I don’t know what to say. and my mind went blank. When I was waiting at the station. At first I couldn’t find Ella, then she showed up Something like an angel! I get super excited and my heart races because she’s incredibly cute. I’m so excited. I’m sorry, I’m like a little creepy person It’s not like that, thank you. I’m so happy! Thank you. By the way. What do you eat every day? In Japan I like Japanese food quite a bit, and yesterday Yesterday and the day before, I ate tempura. Do you like it? I like it. But I don’t eat much Oily? A little oily and heavy. I eat tempura, as it is, tempura. I don’t eat tempura rice bowls This is a bit much, me too. I don’t eat much because of the oily tempura on rice and I get full very quickly. But Tempura is delicious. What are you eating? Huh? I eat something different every day. Yesterday. I ate Okonomiyaki and monjayaki. Eh, wait a minute Did you eat both okonomiyaki and monjayaki? Both, there are restaurants like that. Lots of them in Asakusa. Have you ever had Hiroshima okonomiyaki? What is Hiroshima okonomiyaki like? I could be wrong about this, but I wonder if it has yakisoba in it. Okonomiyaki with buckwheat in it I don’t think I like yakisoba very much. I know, I know… The sauce is a bit special. I think some foreigners don’t like that kind of sauce. Like okonomiyaki sauce. I kinda get it. I don’t eat that much either But did you make your own tempura? No, I didn’t! I ate at the restaurant Yesterday, I went to a facility between a hot spring and a public bath. It was great! Open-air bath, outside bath. There was a hot spring I’ve been there for about another hour. Ahh! It’s so good! It was amazingly good! Oh, where was it? It’s a hot spring at the station on Mt. Takao. And, and it was pretty cheap, but the facilities were great. I highly recommend it! Do you like hot springs? I love hot springs How long can you stay in that hot spring? How many minutes? What temperature? What temperature is safe? I’m not sure. But only for a short time I go in for a short time and go right back out. I’m not at all I like hot so much. I can stay for a whole half hour or so. I’d love to, though, My head immediately I get lightheaded. You have to be careful. Yeah, yeah. And did you take a video? At the spa I need to shoot like Ella-chan. I think it’s a bit of a challenge I want to stayat a private inn, and I’d love to take videos in the hot springs there, but The hot spring I just mentioned… I think it’s forbidden to take videos because all kinds of people go in there. You could if you had a private hot spring. I think I can do it! Maybe. I think many of Shiru’s followers would like to see Shiru in a hot spring. I want to do it because Ella-chan told me so! I will do it for Ella-chan! Please! Wanna come with us? I want to go with you! Let’s go! What do you guys think? (Anyone who wants to see it, press like👍) I told you I don’t come to Akihabara very often. I was just walking around Akihabara. Ella-chan asked me if I’ve been to a maid cafe. But I haven’t been. Not even once. I’ve seen Ella’s maid cafe videos. She was so cute! But the maid café is a bit… I don’t know what to do. I want to go, but, I’m a little embarrassed or scared Do you understand? But a maid is good at entertaining guests I don’t think you need to worry too much about that. Are you sure? Mm-hmm. Do maids provide assistance for foreigners? Yes! I remember the first time I went to a maid cafe in Akihabara. I didn’t know much about honorifics at the time. It was a little difficult to talk to maids. But I don’t think Shiru has that problem I’ve seen it in anime, like this Moe moe kyun ❤️ Do they really do that?! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Also. In a normal restaurant or something, When you call the waiter, you say something like "Excuse me." Yes In maid cafes, we say. "Nyan-nyan❤️" Really? WOW. I have to go. I think Shiru would definitely look good as a maid. I want to see it! Want to see? I want to see it so badly! Hmmm… I’m so embarrassed. But I like cosplay, so I’d like to do that. I’ve done cosplay before. I’ve done it once, at Comic Market. Asuka from Evangelion I’ve done one at Comic Market. I was so surprised because there were so many people taking pictures of me. Have you been there? No If Ella-chan goes to Comic Market, it will be a big deal. It’s probably already… It’s going to be a big deal, I’m sure. I don’t know… But I’d love to go once, in costume. But I like maid cosplay. It suits you so well. I would love to see Shiru in cosplay too! I’ll have to work on it… You’ll look absolutely adorable! Please! Please! Please! Please! I understand. I’ll take care of it. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Young lady Master Miss Embarrassing! Welcome, young lady. Welcome, master. What? It’s so good! Cute! Cute! Okay, now that We are here for karaoke. Shall we sing a little? Let’s sing something! Let me hear you sing, Ella! My song? The song I sang? I don’t know… I want to hear it! Maybe we know a song. We both know. OK Do you know any Japanese songs? Yeah. You’re nervous I’m a little nervous. What do you like? Anime song Mm-hmm. Do you like old cartoons and stuff? Yeah. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu? Yeah, I know! Pon Pon Pon… Yeah. That’s good. Okay, I’ll book it. audio feedback… I was surprised… Scary! Why? It has started! Fun! It was fun! Ella-chan is an amazing singer…. I’m embarrassed… We’re thirsty. Well then, thank you all for watching!


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#エラフレイヤ #Ella Freya


  1. It's been a long time to see you Ms. Freya and Shiru is a nice person to see and looks very cute to see you Ella and Shiru, Have a great and nice day😊😙

  2. エラ、、、シル、、二人とも、日本を楽しんで、また、自分の国の人達に、日本の良いところ、色々と、教えてあげてくださいね、、、❗️❗️❗️

  3. エラシルって外国人女子の最強タッグだね。二人ともかなり上手い日本語でテレながら会話しているところがかわいい。これから、温泉、コミケ、メイドカフェで二人のコラボが実現しそうだから楽しみ!二人カラオケもいい感じだからぜひ動画にして!

  4. 天丼てそんなに腹に重いかなあ?天丼よりもずっと重くなる物なんていくらでもあるし。まあ人それぞれだから仕方ないんだけどさ。

  5. エラちゃん、日本語めっちゃ上手くなっている。自然に言葉が出るようになっている。やっぱり言語の習得は、その国で住んでみるのが一番ですね。当たり前か?

  6. EllaさんとShiruさんのコラボした温泉♨️やコスプレやカラオケのYouTube動画は、とても良いと思います♪😊二人共、可愛いからコラボ動画は人気が10倍以上になるね。😅🎉楽しみ。😢

  7. 言い難いんですが….